
Long Idea: Skechers (SKX)

Investors should be excited about a new addition to our Most Attractive Stocks list: Skechers (SKX). This stock offers a unique combination of growth potential, strong profitability, and a valuation with low market expectations.
by Sam McBride
Expectations Investing

The Power Of Expectations Investing

Sometimes, even the most well recognized experts make shockingly bad predictions. No one truly knows (legally) what the market is going to do next, and the risk involved in that uncertainty is what creates the potential for significant returns.
by Sam McBride

The Value Of Transparency: Why Methodology Matters

investors always need to dig deeper than looking at a simple “buy” or “sell”. Sometimes, these ratings can be driven by factors that have nothing to do with markets or fundamentals. On other occasions, the argument might sound convincing but completely crumble when you examine some of the underlying assumptions.
by Sam McBride

Market Outlook For 2016

I think we are seeing the start of that process in late 2015 and early 2016. The combination of a slowdown in China, falling energy prices, and the end of zero interest rate policy from the Fed have put markets and the global economy in an interesting state of transition.
by Sam McBride

Don’t Get Snowed In By These Blizzard Stocks

Beyond the absurdity of basing investment decisions on a temporary weather event, these recommendations can be harmful to investors because they involve some stocks with very shaky fundamentals at a time when market volatility makes investing in strong businesses all the more important.
by Sam McBride

True Value Investing Still Works

Investors looking for value need to take a holistic approach that measures a company’s ability to deliver economic earnings to investors and quantifies the expectations for future cash flows embedded in its current stock price.
by Sam McBride