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Professional-Grade Research: Proprietary Insights

We provide RIAs, PMs, trusts & financial institutions with the best data, models, & investment research available in the business. Our Professional and Institutional memberships give you the unique insights needed to outperform the competition.

And, we prove it.

No other firms have independent validation of the superiority of their research, and certainly not from The Journal of Financial Economics, Harvard Business School and Ernst & Young.

Our Professional Membership is for investors who want to know critical information buried in the footnotes. They also want to save time by screening for ideas with precision. By precision, we mean screening a universe of 10,000+ securities based on proven-superior analytics.

New Constructs is for investors who like knowing their decisions are supported by sophisticated models and rigorous analysis.

Not everyone has time to read financial filings and do proper diligence on the footnotes on their own.

But, most everyone still wants to make decisions based on the best research, especially when it's proven superior by prestigious institutions.

Who wants to ignore important data and take unnecessary risk that might lead to losing lots of money? No one, of course.

How New Constructs Is Different

Financial statements are supposed to tell the story about how the company performed. But in reality, they do not.

As one of the top investment research firms in the U.S., we know that you need comprehensive information you can understand. Our goal is to help you make smart investment decisions by digging deeper into the numbers.

We publish unique investment research and offer a suite of portfolio management tools so you can build, manage and grow your assets. Together, we can improve your odds of success as we set the new standard for Investment Research.

We are the only Investment Research provider with a United States Patent for a system and method to reverse accounting distortion and analyze financial information to automatically determine the true profitability of a company, making us one of the top investment research firms in the nation.

What clients say about us...

It [New Constructs] provides me with concise insights into investment opportunities derived from meaningful metrics that I couldn't duplicate on my own

David Marshall
Individual Investor

With HOLT and AFG, data from the financial statements isn’t nearly as complete as it is with New Constructs. The New Constructs approach is much more effective than other systems available on the market today.

John Healy
Institutional Investor

Why You Need a New Kind of Investment Research

We all want to find the best stock research website, but what exactly does that mean? To us, it’s finding the information others often overlook.

Companies are required to disclose the potential impact of adopting new accounting regulations. Unfortunately, the disclosures are filled with legal jargon that may be difficult to find and impossible to translate.

This important information is often buried (legally) in the footnotes.

Finding and then understanding accounting disclosures gives you the ability to recognize early warning signs that can prevent poor decisions. Free or “boiler plate” investment research makes little effort to search and interpret the footnotes of items that may change your view of the company.

With the top investment research, we can help you find the information that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.  We are an independent research firm which means our loyalty is to you, the investor. Together we can raise your odds of success with the new standard of investment research.

About CEO David Trainer

David Trainer is a Wall Street veteran and corporate finance expert. He specializes in reversing accounting distortions on the underlying economics of business performance and stock valuation. He was a member of FASB’s Investor Advisory Committee from 2013-2017 and is author of Modern Tools for Valuation (Wiley Finance 2010).

Prior to founding New Constructs in 2002, Mr. Trainer spent over 6 years as a stock analyst on Wall Street. In 1996, he joined Credit Suisse First Boston where he created an economic (as opposed to accounting)-based earnings model and brand for CSFB equity research. He spearheaded the effort to apply consistent economic earnings analysis (a.k.a. ‘EVA’) across all industries globally. In 1997, Mr. Trainer developed and managed the Value Dynamics Framework project, a separate business for CSFB across three continents.

In 1999, Mr. Trainer transitioned these skills into equity research coverage of the financial services sector for CSFB where he applied value-based analysis to consumer finance, asset management and broker-dealer firms and developed a proprietary framework that linked customer satisfaction to the valuation of credit card companies.

In November of 2000, Mr. Trainer joined Epoch Partners (acquired by Goldman Sachs in July 2001) where he covered the Customer Relationship Management Software industry. There, he developed a proprietary framework that quantified the ROI of Customer Relationship Management Software products. Prior to Wall Street, Mr. Trainer was an executive compensation consultant with Arthur Andersen. In 1994, Mr. Trainer earned his B.S. in International Business from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX.

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