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Leading scale, strong profitability, and an undervalued stock price.

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Exec Comp Aligned with ROIC: Model Portfolio Update

Six new stocks make this month’s Model Portfolio.

Featured Stocks in Most Attractive/Most Dangerous Stocks Model Portfolios

Get a free look at two of the stocks in this month’s Model Portfolios.

In-Depth Reverse DCF Analysis 

We joined Pete Renzulli to analyze the expectations baked into Nvidia and Apple. 

1Q23 Model Portfolio Performance

Our Model Portfolios help outperform in good and bad markets.

Danger Zone Podcast 5/1/23: Another Expensive IPO

Good company, but not a good stock.

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Coverage Updates

  • 1,657: 10-Qs parsed since May 1.
  • 46: 10-Ks parsed since May 1.
  • 96 stocks, ETFs & mutual funds added to our coverage universe over the last 3 months.